Tag: Nature

Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday

This Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday Winston is helping me present some photos taken recently just as the sun was setting and the lighting was growing dark. The first is a silhouette of a barred owl sitting on a branch with the clear sky behind him. The second is of a barred owl perched amidst the branches of a tree. If you look carefully—really really carefully—you can make out the shape of a Letter M behind him. I love these photos because there’s something about the silhouette of an owl that just evokes the feeling of Owl-tumn. What do you think?

Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday

Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday

Winston is here once again for “Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday”— a series in which I showcase my experiences spotting and photographing owls in the wild. This week I present more photos of the mama barred owl I got to photograph over an extended period of time. They are some of my favorite barred owl photos. I especially like how the owl’s wings are spread out in several of the photos. You get an owlsome view of them!
