Happy Owl-tumn!

My favorite season of the year is here—Owl-tumn! Today is the first day of Fall. Visions of leaves falling, hot mugs of apple cider, and pumpkin everything are running through my mind! Today I tried my first pumpkin item of the season—Pumpkin Pie KitKats. Next on my list to try— a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Yum! I can’t wait! It seems like there are more and more seasonal food items to try each year. What are some of your Fall favorites. Or should I say Owl-tumn favorites?!

Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday

Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday

Winston is here once again for “Winston’s Wildlife Wednesday”— a series in which I showcase my experiences spotting and photographing owls in the wild. This week I present more photos of the mama barred owl I got to photograph over an extended period of time. They are some of my favorite barred owl photos. I especially like how the owl’s wings are spread out in several of the photos. You get an owlsome view of them!


Reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Currently, I am reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I am about 115 pages into the book. So far, I like it much better than the previous book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which I found to be incredibly dark and not very enjoyable to read. I’ll write a more thorough review once I’ve finished. Now, back to the reading!

Reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Since July of this year, I have been reading the Harry Potter novels for the very first time. I had seen the movies, even visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal in Orlando, but had never read the books. To my surprise, I discovered I liked them. I flew (just like an owl) through the first three books. Now, as the clock runs out on 2018, my goal is to finish the fourth book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. At 734 pages, it is quite possibly one of the longest books I have ever attempted to read. I have 24 hours and counting to finish the last 200 pages. It’s good to have goals!